Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Orthodontist Chicago

Chicago Orthodontist

What are the advantages of early orthodontic treatment?

Early treatment provides the opportunity to:

1) early treatment will guide the development of the jaw bones as they grow creating a better environment for those new emerging permanent teeth

2) early orthodontic treatment will guide incoming teeth into optimal positions creating the most beautiful smile and facial structure

3) early orthodontic treatment will regulate the width of the jaws to prevent overcrowding and spacing of teeth

4) early orthodontic treatment will lower the risk of trauma to prominent front teeth, which can happen with later treatment

5) early orthodontic treatment can correct harmful sucking habits that interfere with proper growth

6) early orthodontic treatment reduces the likelihood of teeth becoming stuck or impacted under the gums

7) early orthodontic treatment will  preserve or gain space for arriving permanent teeth

8) it can allow for easier correction since the jaws are still malleable

Orthodontist Chicago

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