Thursday, June 21, 2012

Thumb Sucking and Jaw Development

As a child there are many habits they tend to pick up. The one that seems harmless at first can soon grow into a huge issue. I am referring to thumb sucking of course. When they are really young it is cute, but at what age does it stop being cute and begin to be a problem?

First lets take a look at why they might be doing this. There is something about sucking your thumb that is very comforting. It makes the child feel secure, especially at nighttime. Lets not forget that they always have it on hand. You cannot cut off their thumb, so there has to be a better way to get them out of this routine.

Children who suck their fingers and or thumb are at a much greater risk of altering their teeth. The reason being that children’s teeth, up to age 5, are very movable and are not set in. you might be wondering why it even matters. Their teeth are just going to fall out, so what is the big deal. Well people don’t realize this, but your permanent teeth actually fallow the lead of your baby teeth. If they are pushed forward from thumb sucking, then your permanent teeth will fallow.

This problem with thumb sucking can be very costly as well. If you don’t have dental insurance it can really be expensive, and why not try to avoid braces all together. There are ways to get your child off this disruptive habit. There is nail polish that has a bitter unsatisfying taste that will make this comforting urge less appealing. And that is an understatement; the polish is gross and will deter your child from practicing.

If you can get your child to stop before age 4, there is a good chance their teeth will realign and get back in working order. If they continue, there will almost always be a negative result. The so-called “buckteeth” are the most common issue involved with thumb sucking. Not only does this effect your child’s bite, it could also give them self esteem issues that could impact them for the rest of their lives.

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